Saturday, December 12, 2009


Hook: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
From Sony

Magic Flows Through This Music! I must start by saying that Hook really was a good movie. It not only lives up to J.M Barrie's vision, but added even more! Thanks to Mr. Speilberg. The music is nothing short of magic. John Williams packed this album with themes. A tinkerbell theme, a neverland theme, a hook theme, and a lost boys theme! He even does his orchestra "swirly thing" "see tracks 5 and 6. :) This excellent album is a must have for any John Williams fan, or just a fan of good music. Faith, trust.. and pixie dust I saw Hook when it first came out in the theater. I was six at the time. I was quite the imaginative kid and I loved adventure movies (especially ones wiht pirates, like Hook and the Goonies).. When I was 6, Hook was magic. If I'd seen Hook for the first time now, I probably wouldn't think as highly of it.A year ago I rediscovered the soundtrack and I couldn't stop listening to it. The music was so powerful that I really did feel like a kid again, and I still do, whenever I listen to the soundtrack. The score to Hook is what made that movie - without it, I don't believe the film would have been very successful at all.I put on this soundtrack whenever I'm feeling too grown-up. If my work is stressing me out, I take a break, put my headphones on, and just let the music take me into all of those old childhood fantasies.I would recommend this soundtrack to anyone. It never got the recognition it deserved, but I think that it's a very easy score to fall in love with. Delightful music This is best described as a cross between Star Wars and Home Alone, with a few hints of E.T., and an overall fairy tale tenor like Edward Scissorhands. All that to say though, it is a pretty, engaging soundtrack. My main complaint is that the songs included are cheesy, especially the first one. The third track, Banning Back Home, is also quite different than the rest of the score, although that is not saying it's bad. A big plus is the length, about 75 mins., and combine that with an excellent price, and you get a soundtrack that's definitely worth getting. One thing I must say though after reading a number of other people's reviews of Williams' work, is that a lot of his music does sound alike, contrary to what a lot of die-hard "Williams is the greatest" fans. I'm not saying Wiliiams isn't a great composer, and maybe even the best of our era, I'm just saying his music often does sound like "Williams" music, as I described this soundtrack at the beginning. But it's definitely a score worth getting, although I recomend also getting both Home Alone soundtracks, which are in my opinion, even better. Those, along with Hook, are some of Williams' best, most unheralded scores, and definite must-haves for Williams fans, and pretty music lovers alike.


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