Friday, December 4, 2009


The New Adventures of Pippi Longstocking
Directed by Ken Annakin

Studio: Sony Pictures Home Ent Release Date: 06/01/2004 Run time: 102 minutes Rating: G

Great childhood memory4
This is rather funny and strange... I'm an 18 year old Senior now, and I can still remember seeing this movie, as a 9 year old kid lounging on my couch. The scary part is that all my friends remember this movie too. I could be bored in calculus, and start hummin' "Pippi Longstockings is comin' into your world," and within 10 seconds at least 10 other kids are singin along. None of us understand how or why we remember it, (maybe it had to do with the fact that every guy had a crush on Pippi when he was about 10. Her and Punky Brewster) Anyway, I just wanted to write this to say it could definately be a great thing for your kid, it made an impact on about 1/5 of my high school graduating class. (by the way, if anyone knows how to reach, or knows how or find out what happened to Tami Erin,[she was so cool]send me an E-mail pleeeze) ---thanks

Cheerful, Delightful version of Pippi3
The setting of Pippi Longstocking's home is supposed to be Sweden, in this movie it's relocated to America. That was perhaps unfaithful to the books- but this version of Pippi manages to be sweet and endearing in spite of this.

I've read a lot of negative reviews of this movie- I'm not exactly sure how many people don't like this movie, but I happen to think it sweet and charming for people of all ages.

The performances by the actors in this manage to recreate magic in a different setting. Tami Erin gives a positively charming performance as a little girl- she manages to give Pippi the trademark innocence, oddness, and yet she manages to give Pippi a sort of beginning of wisdom as well. Tami conveys the hurt and pain as Pippi is aquainted with the realities of kids who are unloved, her friend Annika's father's dislike of her, and the gradual evaporation of the magic of her childhood. She manages to make Pippi human and accesible while still making her an enduring, endearing figure. Some people refer to her as ''spoiled brat'', but I think her reaction toward these adults was more her shock that her cheer could not please them. The adventures between her and Tommy and Annika were sweetly shown, and it can end in Pippi's understanding of what she's done.

I have seen the other versions of Pippi and Inger Neillson portrays Pippi as a strange, detached, though not charmless character- but she is in no way human or accessible.

The songs are cute too- they manage to show Pippi's enduring innocence, and her good-hearted spirit.

I would recommend this movie to people of all ages ready to see a new version of the sweet, charming Pippi- Tami Erin was a charming young actress, I don't know why she didn't persue acting after this.

be just like pippi!5
Pippi Longstocking is a great movie for kids of all ages it shows that you can do whatever you wanna do if you use your imagination and if you believe in yourself. I enjoy the movie very much because it shows adventure, fun, and more fun. pippi is a very responsible girl who walks on ropes to save kids from a burning building, takes care of her friends when they run away, looks after whatever and whoever comes into her life, and brings many people joy and happiness, and still teaches a good moral lesson to do things your way as long as their not to irresponsible. This movie is a great adventure and its a shame that tami erin (pippi) dissapeared because i think that another movie would be awesome. this movie is also a good example of three kids with a great relationship that cant be broken up by anything. My personal opinion is that the songs are fun and great to sing along to. I highly recommened this movie.


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